Mystery of Christ, his covenant and his kingdom (UK Revised Edition)
In Four Parts,
I. Methodology
II. The Kingdom of Creation
III. The Kingdom of Israel
IV. The Kingdom of Christ
The Mystery of Christ, his covenant and his kingdom carefully balances both the scope and simplicity of the biblical covenants as revealed in Scripture. It takes the reader on a “clear tour through the various covenants by which God has related to humanity” by presenting “a cohesive map of the covenants of Scripture”. In this UK Revised edition the author clarifies his presentation at certain points further strengthening, without changing, the substance of the argument. The interior design of this book has been carefully crafted. Large letters, comfortable spacing and a classy yet traditional font makes reading this volume effortless and enjoyable.
“Given the vast scope of the subject in hand, Renihan does a masterful job of giving us a clear tour through the various covenants by which God has related to humanity. The result is not only a richer appreciation of who Christ is, the unity of God’s purposes and how the gospel is the fulfilment of the plan of redemption; it is also a deeper understanding of the church, baptism, and the scriptures, and a deeper longing to worship the triune God who brought his sovereign plan to pass for his own glory.”
Nick Pollock
“The Mystery of Christ is well-written, displays ample knowledge of issues discussed concerning covenant theology by Baptists and paedobaptists, grounds its arguments in scriptural exegesis and theology, recovers old arguments for a new day, presents a cohesive map of the covenants of Scripture, and exalts our Lord Jesus Christ, the last Adam, throughout.”
Richard C. Barcellos
“One of the most useful things Renihan does, which readers across the Reformed spectrum should appreciate, is keep covenant and kingdom together. Not as independent themes, but as themes that absolutely depend on one another. While I am in no position to say how confessional Reformed Baptists should regard Renihan’s work, I know that I, as a Presbyterian theologian, will from now on look to his book as a prime resource for Reformed Baptist covenant theology.”
David Van Drunnen