The Baptism of Disciples Alone

Sale price $ 23.50 Regular price $ 29.98

“Hoping to be gracious toward my paedobaptist friends and mentors, the purpose of this book is to prove that the Bible authorizes only disciple’s baptism.”

From the Preface – Fred Malone

Fred Malone’s long published work ‘The Baptism of Disciples Alone’ is a classic ‘must-read’ treatment for those thinking through the issue of baptism and its practice in the church. Should we baptize infants? What does the Bible say? And how are we to engage with the common arguments often made in favour of infant Baptism? Malone deals with these questions and many more, showing us the biblical arguments that turned him away from the Baptism of infants and towards the Baptism of disciples alone. This newly bound and designed edition is a welcome contribution to our Bookshop and will stimulate any and all that consider its arguments from Holy Scripture.

In the below video Fred Malone discusses the importance of believers Baptism, introducing some of the themes found in the book.