Robert Hall Jr: The Undermining of Calvinism among English Baptists

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Robert Hall Jr. (1760-1831) was a towering figure in English non-conformity; he was the most famous Baptist in England in his lifetime, was widely-known as the “Prince of Preachers” before C. H. Spurgeon and had an eminently commendable concern for Christian piety and moral living. Despite this, Hall’s impact on the English Baptists following his lifetime was profound and can scarcely be underestimated. His life-long emphasis on piety above doctrine, pragmatism above biblical ecclesiology, and universal atonement above particular redemption led the English Particular Baptists towards doctrinal compromise and theological liberalism. Baptists throughout the world live in the wake of Robert Hall Jr – may we note his strengths, learn from his mistakes, and be led into better defending the deposit of faith handed to us (1 Tim 6:20)

“Walker shows that Hall helped precipitate the abandonment of particular redemption as a central doctrine among the Particular Baptists by defending universal atonement and rejecting creeds, confessions, and theological systems (while inadvertently constructing his own). Walker’s investigation is not only beneficial for Baptists seeking to reconnect with their Reformed roots, but it is also a sobering warning to the church against the perennial snare of separating piety from doctrinal orthodoxy.” ~ Prof. Joel Beeke, Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary “Austin Walker has produced a fine and much needed account of the theology of Robert Hall Jr., showing both the evangelical faithfulness and piety of the man, but also the doctrinal and homiletical emphases which, Austin cogently argues, contributed to the downgrade of Calvinistic distinctives among Baptists in the nineteenth century. Highly recommended for all interested in Baptist history and in the health and vigour of Baptist churches today.” ~ Dr Robert Strivens, Pastor of Bradford on Avon Baptist Church and Prof of Church History, IRBS UKAustin Walker is a retired Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, UK and is currently a member at Castlefields Church, Derby. With a degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, he continues to exercise a preaching ministry and has been studying history, with a particular interest in Baptist Non-Conformity and Benjamin Keach, for many years. He is the author of several books, including “Hot Water: The Baptismal Controversy of the 1690s and its Relevance for Today”  published by Broken Wharfe.