Views on the roles of deacons vary widely among evangelical Christians. What does Scripture actually teach about deacons and their role in the church?
Views range from deacons being the board of directors, to the church building maintenance crew. Strauch states that his purpose in writing this book is “to encourage my deacon friends and fellow church leaders to think more critically about what they are saying, what they are doing, and what Scripture actually teaches about deacons.”
Whatever your view of deacons may be, this study will help you examine in detail the biblical fact on deacons, allowing those facts to guide your thinking. This book offers the opportunity to build broader agreement among our Bible-believing churches as to what deacons do.
Known for his deep love for the church and for his careful Bible exegesis, Strauch’s new study cannot be ignored by churches that are committed to following a biblical church polity. This is not simply a revision of Strauch’s popular book, The New Testament Deacon: Minister of Mercy. It is a completely new study with a fresh perspective.
While Paul’s Vision for the Deacons undoubtedly stands alone as an important resource on the topic, certain topics addressed in the book lend themselves to very technical and detailed discussions that could muddle the book and frustrate many readers. Nonetheless, these are important topics and worthwhile studies. Throughout the text and the study guide, Strauch refers to supplemental resources that will help provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Below are links to these in-depth studies.
- Diakon- Word Group: Based largely on the extensive work of Clarence D. Agan III, Alexander Strauch provides a study of the extra-biblical usage of diakon- as “agency.”
- A Study of Acts 6:1-7: No biblical study of deacons is complete without a careful examination of this key passage. With this in mind, Strauch offers a detailed exposition and addresses the key questions involved.
- Every Member Ministry: Growth in the body of Christ comes “when each part is working properly” (Eph. 4:18). In this article, Strauch discusses the critical nature of involving the whole church body in the work of ministry.
- Gynaikes in 1 Timothy 3:11: In the book, Strauch points to five views of the gynaikes in 1 Timothy 3:11. In this study, Strauch examines the arguments for and against each of these views. Included in this study is an examination of five different interpretations of the Romans 16 passage, in which Phoebe is described as a “diakonos of the church.”
- “Husband of one wife”: This biblical qualification for deacons (1 Tim. 3:12) is interpreted in a variety of ways. In this article, Strauch provides an in-depth assessment of each view.
- Deacon Evaluation Survey Template: In the study guide for Paul’s Vision for the Deacons, Strauch provided a template to help congregations gather feedback as they examine a prospective deacon. Download this template for a starting point in developing a survey that fits your church.