Journal of International Reformed Baptist Seminary 2023

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The Journal of International Reformed Baptist Seminary for the year of two thousand and twenty three (JIRBS 2023).

This yearly journal offers some of the best scholarship for Reformed Baptists on the pressing theological issues of our day. Articles are by the exemplary faculty members of IRBS and those outside the faculty that are invited to contribute an article or review to the issue.

There are articles on these subjects:

A Necessary Distinction: Christ as God and Christ as Mediator
– James M. Renihan

Retrieving the Bibliology of John Owen
– Jeffrey T. Riddle

Benjamin Keach and the Everlasting Covenant: Baptist Expositor of a Puritan Doctrine
– Daniel D. Scheiderer

Robert Haldane’s Life, Influence, and Contribution to the Issue of the Sabbath
– Jon English Lee

Thomistic Natural Theology and its Implications: A Review Article of Jeffrey Johnson’s The
Failure of Natural Theology

– David VanDrune