JIRBS 2019

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(JIRBS 2019)

A Theological Journal Committed to Confessional Reformed Baptist Theology

JIRBS is an academic series helping to clarify Confessional Baptist theology. It demonstrates biblical integrity and application in various contexts. It aides the reader to think carefully about the treasures of Gods Word in a day of theological fogginess. Contributions by various scholars and churchmen assists to show how Confessional Baptists emerged from the stream of reformed orthodoxy. Weighty subjects exposed to academic scrutiny lead the reader to examine the practical application of the Scriptures in personal and corporate life. The book reviews provided are useful summaries of theological works and whet the appetite to further explore diverse authors. These journals furnish treatments of topics much needed today among British Christians in general and Confessional Baptists in particular. The solid research found in this series is evidence of a healthy approach to biblical teaching as summarised in the Second London Baptist Confession. Broken Wharfe


The Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (JIRBS) is published to explain and support the theology of Holy Scripture as it is summarised in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. The journal will be published annually.