For the Vindication of the Truth: Baptist Symbolics Volume 1

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For the Vindication of the Truth: Baptist Symbolics Volume 1

By Dr. James Renihan


In this scrupulously researched and carefully argued book, Professor Renihan uncovers the faith that lies behind the most famous of the Particular Baptist confessions and shows why it matters today. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the roots of the Particular Baptist movement and the contribution it has made to the formation of Reformed theology. 

Crawford Gribben | Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen’s University Belfast.





The Basics

The Introduction: Article 1

The Doctrine of God: Articles 2–6

Scripture: Articles 7–8

The Doctrine of Christ: Articles 9–20

The Blessings of Salvation: Articles 21–32

The Church: Articles 33–47

The Civil Magistrate: Articles 48–52

The Resurrection: Article 52 and Conclusion

Appendix A: The Title Pages and Prefaces to the Editions of the First London Confession

Appendix B: Heart Bleedings for Professors Abominations

Appendix C: John Spilsbery’s Confession of Faith

Appendix D: Robert Steed, A Plain Discovery of the Unrighteous Judge and False Accuser

Appendix E: ‘BOUND TO KEEP THE FIRST DAY’: Covenant Theology, the Moral Law and the Sabbath among the first English Particular Baptists

Appendix F: Covenant Theology in First London Confession

Appendix G: An Examination of the Possible Influence of Menno Simons’ Foundation Book upon the Particular Baptist Confession of 1644


Scripture Index 



For the Vindication of the Truth: Baptist Symbolics Volume 1

by James Renihan
©2021 Founders Press
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-943539-28-4